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Feb 26, 2020

Resumes. The Modern Resume & How to Align Jobs with Passions. Today we discuss job recruiting, talent acquisition, hiring Millennials, Gen Z, and Generation Alpha. As someone that is entering the workforce or looking for a new job do we need a resume or has LinkedIn replaced it? We discuss side hustles and how we can...

Feb 19, 2020

Personal Branding, Side Hustles, & Finance Tips. Time is your friend. Compound interest is your best friend.

Our call-in guests today include Jeannette Rizzi, Regional Manager of OrangeTheory Fitness. Jeannette is a storyteller and performer of the one-woman show entitled Blindsided. Learn more about Jeannette at...

Feb 12, 2020

Focus. How to focus in this unfocused world. The key to success is focus. Success is predicated on focus. In this episode learn how to focus on the one thing that makes everything else easier or unnecessary.

Erik Qualman has performed in over 55 countries and reached 35 million people. His Socialnomics work has been on...